Ardlavagh townland by Molly McGreevy


Ardlavagh townland by Molly McGreevy

Field Names in Your Townland

Connie’s Hill

Connie McGreevy lived on the hill and he died about 10 years ago. He was roughly 70 years old. he lived with one sister and 2 brothers. The 3 men were nicknamed ‘The Three Connies’.


Names of local rivers, lakes and streams in your townland

There are two wells or springs in the area.

Are there any blacksmith’s gates in the fields/farms of your townland? (take photos)

We have two blacksmith’s gates on our farm - one if small and the other is large.

What old ruined houses are in your townland? Any stories related to them or the families who lived there previously?

There is a ruin in a newly planted forest which a man called Peter Lan used to live in. He died and left it to his nephew, called J P McCormack.

There is also the remains of a house that John Devaney used live in. The house and land was sold to the McGreevy’s.



How many people live in your townland now? How many people lived there in times gone by?

There are currently 4 families living in Ardlavagh townland.

The 1926 census says 43 people lived here at the time.

In Griffith’s Valuation 1847, there were no McGreevy’s here. There was lots of tenant families who all seemed to pay rent to a man named Farrell.

Did people from the townland emigrate? Where did they go to? Why did they leave in the first place?

Yes, my granduncles and grandaunt who’s names are Mikey, Séan and Margaret all emigrated to America in the 1950s.


