Ring Family, Lombardstown


Ring Family, Lombardstown

This house was built by Nathaniel Gardiner in the late 1800’s and served as the grist mill residence until the mill burned down in 1882. The house was later leased from Nathaniel Gardiner by Timothy Ring who came to the area as a postman in the 1890’s. His son Jack, was an active member of Lombardstown Volunteer Company and participated in many local engagements against British forces including the blowing up of Lombardstown Bridge. He was betrayed by a local spy along with about a dozen more Volunteers and was incarcerated in Spike Island Prison for almost two years. The house was used frequently for Volunteer meetings with General Liam Lynch and Major General Sean McKeown sometimes in attendance. The column members were engaged to provide protection and took up positions in the fields across the road. See headstone CO-GLSJ-0411 Glantane in www.historicgraves.com


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